What’s coming to KeepnTrack? Keep an eye on this page to see what you can look forward to!
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Recent features
Features that came with the release:
- Security Checks (SOR and CBC)
- Cloud printing (badges)
- Read more: KeepnTrack Makeover
Features that came after that:
- Printing the Who’s Here Now report
- Saving specific Security checks
- Import Users: Add / Import Users: Add & Update
- Forms (for volunteer applications and more)
- Camera support
- Reprint badges, and print slips from kiosks
- Move Users to Site utility
- Users restricted to kiosk sign-in at their home site, or to the Authentication lists for volunteers (who work at multiple sites)
- Export Users
- Activity Destinations
Features to look forward to in the next quarter:
- Form Apply – Authentication lists for volunteers (who work at multiple sites)
Features not yet scheduled:
- SIS syncing with GG4L
- Merge duplicate users
- Customize Hub buttons
- Scheduled reports
- Kiosk sign-in notes

Have an idea?
We want to hear your thoughts! Fill out our form on https://www.keepntrack.com/ideas/.