KeepnTrack Makeover
It’s finally on its way—the new KeepnTrack will be released summer 2024. We’ll be switching over the old KeepnTrack v3 servers and ending support for the old KeepnTrack summer 2025.
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Keep reading to learn more.
What’s happening?
Starting 2024, KeepnTrack v3 customers will be upgraded to the brand new web-based KeepnTrack.
Why now?
KeepnTrack v3 is an outdated program that has not been in development for several years. In short, KeepnTrack v3 will not be able to run efficiently on new operating systems and web browsers. Moving all of our customers to the new KeepnTrack will give us the ability to adjust for industry standards and changes for many years to come.
What should I look forward to?
- Enhanced performance and stability
- Modern web technology
- Stronger web and data security
- Web responsiveness
- Simplified preferences and settings
- Persistent Kiosk Settings
- Customizable Roles (classification names)
- Customizable terminology
- Branding with logos in Kiosk
- Saved reports
- More granular security settings
- Terms: “Facilities” are now called “Sites”. “People” are now “Users”.
- Coming later: User management with SIS integrations like GG4L
Read on to learn more about the new KeepnTrack, what will NOT be included, and more about the timeline.
About KeepnTrack
KeepnTrack (KnT) is a straightforward visitor/volunteer management system.
Here is the basic workflow:
- Add user records for the people in your facility. Or, these people can be added when they first sign in to a kiosk.
- All users are of the role Visitor and can be assigned to additional roles (e.g. Volunteer).
- Set up Activities, or reasons for signing in, which show on kiosks for a specified role.
- Front office personnel can set up an Attended or Self-Service kiosk for people to sign in.
- Users sign in to Activities at kiosks, and this creates history.
- Set up optional Checks to run on visitors.
- Run reports on history to see summaries of hours or individual visits.
What is NOT available in the new KeepnTrack?
It’s not all peaches and cream—the new KeepnTrack does not have many of the features of the old KeepnTrack.
- There are no more free automatic sex offender checks.
- Sex offender Checks and Background Checks are available; tokens are required.
- Volunteer applications are available as an add-on feature “Forms”.
- NO history UI and no editing history
- NO manually adding history
- History is kept for 2 years (24 months) then automatically removed.
- NO merging patrons to start
- LIMITED classifications: Visitor, Role 1 (Volunteer; term), Role 2 (term)
- Roles are basically just tags; i.e. designations to pull reports and set activities
- There’s no special data for any role
- Effective/expiration dates for volunteers only
- LIMITED activities; no Destinations (i.e. sub-activities) but Destinations will be coming early 2025.
- No slip printing yet; coming early 2025.
- NO blocked sign-out
- NO alerts; this includes sign-in alerts, sign-in messages, operator messages (sor/cbc alerts will exist, however)
- NO verify (volunteer verification)
- KnT site access becomes admin/manager access. All visitors/etc can sign in at kiosks for any site.
- LIMITED reports (with limited selections), limited utilities; imports to come later; NO exports (at first)
- YES Saved operations
- Job # is no longer supported, because nobody uses it.
- Unless explicitly stated, there is nothing in the new KnT that did NOT exist in the old KnT.
- There is no GG4L integration yet but it will be coming later.
It’s important to note…
Your license cost will not be any more than what you are paying now!
If you decide to keep running sex offender checks on your visitors, this will require purchasing sets of tokens. The checks will be run manually through Users Management, or set to run automatically via kiosks.
Timeline of availability
- The KeepnTrack demo became available for you to try in March 2024.
- If you decide to move to the new KeepnTrack, we can migrate you starting in May 2024.
- The Sex Offender database will not be updated after June 30 2024. If you run checks, they will only be run on the archived database.
- You will have the option to continue on KnT v3 for a limited period of time, if you fill out the proper forms by May 30 2024.
- By June 30 2025, unless other arrangements have been made, we will migrate your KnT license to the new system.
- Due to outdated OS requirements and security reasons, we are going to shut all remaining KnT v3 servers down by July 30 2025.
Do you want to switch your license?
We understand that the new KeepnTrack might not meet your needs.
Please fill out this form to let us know whether you intend to use the new KeepnTrack or if you will be seeking alternative software.
Then we can contact you with more details about the move or about canceling your subscription.
What to do before switching
The new KeepnTrack will convert your person (user) data, and no other data—so before switching to the new KeepnTrack, you’ll want to do the following:
- Clean up your People records! Run some reports to see what person records you have. Run the Remove Person Records utility to get rid of records you no longer need.
- Person ID will be NOT be converted into Barcodes. If you need to save your Person ID information, run a report.
- Do you want to save volunteer records or any other reports? Run your reports now, download the pdfs, and store them in a secure location. Alternatively, export the data that you need so you can work with it in a spreadsheet format.
- Review the Activities you have set up in Keepntrack. Create an outline of the activities you’ll want in the new version (per site), so you can set it up easily later. Be aware that the new KeepnTrack does not yet support Destinations.
- Do you have pending volunteer applications? Be sure to handle these before you convert. At this time, the new KeepnTrack does not have a volunteer form; we recommend creating one using a service such as Google Forms, and updating your links.
Checklist for after you switch
Once your new KeepnTrack is up and your users have been converted, you’ll want to do the following things. You can also take a look at the Getting Started page.
- Set up your Tools > Security groups. These settings are global across all of your sites (facilities). Then go to Users to assign operators the appropriate security group. Be sure that they also have the correct Site Access, i.e. the sites (facilities) that they can log in to and change data.
- You may also want to review your users to make sure everyone belongs to the correct site. Operators will be limited to modifying records that belong to sites they have access to.
- Set up your Preferences > Users > Roles (previously ‘Classification’ terms).
- Go to Tools > Activities to create all the activities you need for your site.
- Go to admin Kiosks Builder to update your Site and System notice that shows on your kiosk.
- If you have the Security Checks add-on, be sure to go to Preferences > Security Checks to set rules.
Here’s what exists in the new KeepnTrack:
Replaces the Application Picker. Your landing page for KnT.

NEW! Allows quick access to some modules and space for COMPanion messaging.

Kiosks Builder
NEW! Lets you customize kiosk settings such as logo (branding) and messaging.

Previously “People”. Manage your person records, including their personal and contact information, roles (classifications), security access, and emergency notes.

Queue of operations such as reports, and where you download reports.
Reports and Utilities are available.
Exports/Imports coming later.

Create and run new reports.
Reports available:
- Visit History
- User Visit Summary
- Student Information

Create and run new utilities to change information.
Utilities available:
- Remove User Records
- Set Current Hours

Previously “Facilities”. Set site information such as emails

Adjust what your operators have access to

Set up the kiosk sign-in reasons

Customize terminology (including Role names), language, and dates/currency.

Attended Kiosk, designed to have an active responsible operator running it; and Self-Service, designed to operate without a person running it.
Both kiosks can be put into Express Mode, which is designed for quick sign-in and/or visitor creation.
Both kiosks support badge printing and license scanning.

Kiosk Settings
(previously Workstation Settings) let you set up a kiosk to fit your needs.

Plus, see also Security Checks and Best Practices for Forms.
KeepnTrack Makeover FAQs
When is v3 end of life? See the Timeline above.
When can I move to the new KnT? See the Timeline above.
Can I renew for a whole year? Yes, with the expectation that you will be switched to the new KnT on June 30th 2024 unless other arrangements are made.
Will current driver’s license scanners be supported? Yes, these can be used to quickly add people to the system and run SOR/CBC checks.
Will current badge printers be supported? The new KeepnTrack will only support the new badge printers. It will not support the Dymos and old Network Printers, so you must purchase new badge printers if you want to print badges. We will offer them a discount. The new KnT does not support dual print or slips.
Benefits of the new printer:
- Network Printer supporting Cloud Print—it is a super simple setup and allows printing from multiple devices in different locations
- Compact in size
- Drop in and print paper loading
- Designed to prevent paper jams
Will Sex Offender Checks be included? No, customers must subscribe to the CBC/SOR utility to receive CBC and SOR checks through our data aggregator. Each customer will be provided 100 sex offender tokens as part of their utility subscription. (These checks will not be available to see in the KnT demo but will be available by June 30th.) Alternatively, you can manually run SOR checks through another service provider or the NSOR website.
How can I tell how many tokens I’ll need?
If you need to budget for tokens, there is a simple way you can see how many checks you’ve run over the last year.
- If you run checks on Visitors and/or Volunteers, you can run reports to get your SOR usage numbers. We recommend running them for THIS school year, then project additional checks through the end of the year.
- Visitor Hours 1 Line. Use this report to get the number of kiosk sign-ins for Visitors.
- Volunteer Activity Counts: Use this report to get the number of kiosk sign-ins for Volunteers.
- Volunteer 1 Line. Use this to get the number of new volunteers this school year.
For example, you might find yourself with the following numbers:
- From 08/01/2023 – 04/28/2024, 400 Visitors and 600 Volunteers, with 25 brand new volunteers.
- Add those three numbers to get the total number of SOR checks run throughout this approximate school year period; in this example, 1025.
- Finally, determine how often you actually want SOR checks to run in the new KeepnTrack. In this example, you may see that last year you ran 100 checks for an event that you don’t want to run checks on this year; that brings your total of tokens to 925 from 8/1 to 4/28; so you may want to budget for around 1000 tokens, or 1100 to project through May.
- Note that the new KnT can show existing results instead of running a brand new check, and those will not cost tokens. See Security Checks.
When will current sex offender checks be discontinued? We will discontinue updating SOR data June 2024. We will continue to store the SOR information so it can be used, but it will not be updated. After July 1st, 2024, users who require current SOR data will need to be on the new KnT and subscribe to the SOR/CBC utility. Customers will receive 100 SOR tokens as part of that utility subscription. Once these 100 tokens are used, the customer must purchase more CBC/SOR tokens to be leveraged by the utility or manually run and log the SOR checks through the NSOR website.
Why are we now charging for SOR checks? Due to our changes from our data aggregators, it is no longer financially feasible to offer unlimited Free SOR checks. We have done our best to keep the SOR check price point as minimal as possible for our customers.
What will happen to leftover tokens I’ve purchased? Leftover tokens will be transferred to the new KnT.
Will data be transferred? Yes, we will transfer People data only. Please see all fields that will be transferred in the table below; anything that has a “New Field Name” will be transferred.
Import Field Mapping / Conversion
A backslash (\) in any field is converted into a carriage return. Repeat two (\\) to make new a paragraph.
field | code | notes | new field name |
Person ID | 1000 | Barcode must be between 4 and 15 characters in length, numeric only. | [Barcode] [NOT CONVERTED] |
First Name | 1007 | First Name | |
Middle Name | 1008 | Appends to the First Name data fields with a <space>. | Middle Name |
Last Name | 1006 | Last Name | |
Suffix | 1101 | ||
Organization (Address) | 1102 | Employer Note (appended) | |
Address Line One/Two | 1011 | Supports two Address lines for import. It breaks apart the address at the \ into two different address fields. | AddressAddress 2 |
City | 1012 | City | |
State | 1013 | State | |
Postal Code | 1014 | Postal Code | |
Country | 1016 | Country Code is two-digit code from ISO list. | Country |
Is Volunteer | 1110 | Blank=No, Yes=Yes, No=No, Volunteer=Yes | (Roles numeric list…[1,2] means both role 1 and role 2, blank means visitor only.) |
Is Student | 1111 | Blank=No, Yes=Yes, No=No, Student=Yes | |
Is Staff | 1112 | Blank=No, Yes=Yes, No=No, Staff=Yes | |
Is Vendor | 1113 | Blank=No, Yes=Yes, No=No, Vendor=Yes | |
Is Volunteer Type | 1120 | Blank=Blank, No Match=Blank, Exact Match=Type | |
Home Phone | 1017 | Home Phone | |
Work Phone | 1130 | Other Phone (Work Phone) | |
Mobile Phone | 1131 | Mobile Phone | |
Email Address | 1019 | first email is the Primary Email field; further emails are Other Email | |
Facility | 1027 | Each facility in your import file will require its own column, meaning you’ll have to repeat the 1027 tag in the import header. In other words, facility IDs in the record must be tab-delimited (e.g. StudentID#<tab>FacilityID01<tab>FacilityID02<tab>FacilityID03…). Additionally, you can use %%%ALL to assign the person to ALL facilities. | Site Access; no import/export. |
Notes | 1020 | General Notes | |
Ethnicity | 1132 | ||
Gender | 1032 | Male=1(or M), Female=2 (or F). | SexInteger indicating sex or gender: Unspecified=0 or U, Male=1 or M, Female=2 or F |
Birthdate | 1045 | Birthdate | |
Emergency Contact | 1133 | Emergency Contact:NamePhoneEmailNotes | |
Medical Conditions | 1134 | Public Medical Note | |
Social Security Number | 1002 | ||
Driver License Number | 1140 | Photo ID Note – append | |
Driver License State | 1141 | Photo ID Note – append | |
License Plate Number | 1142 | Vehicle Information (notes) – append | |
Vehicle Registration State | 1143 | Vehicle Information (notes)- append | |
Vehicle Description | 1144 | Vehicle Information (notes)- append | |
Teacher | 1150 | 2nd Location | |
Grade | 1010 | Level (Grade) | |
Bus #1 | 1151 | Vehicle Information (notes)- append | |
Bus #2 | 1155 | Vehicle Information (notes)- append | |
Homeroom | 1004 | Location (Homeroom) | |
Student ID | 1001 | Community ID (Student ID) | |
Family ID | 1152 | ||
Block Student Checkout | 1153 | Yes=Yes, No=No, Blank=No | |
Authorized to Check Out | 1154 | Names of people who are authorized to check a student out of school. A backslash (“ \ ”) in any field is converted into a carriage return. Repeating – append together with two backslash (“ \\ ”) to make new a paragraph. | |
Staff Type | 1160 | ||
Staff Hire Date | 1161 | MM/DD/YYYY for staff hire date. | Employer (notes) – appended |
Staff ID | 1162 | Employer (notes)- appended | |
Employer | 1170 | Employer (notes)- appended | |
Security Approved | 1176 | Yes=Yes, No=No, Blank=No | |
Criminal Conviction | 1172 | Yes=Yes, No=No, Blank=No | |
Last Background Check Date | 1173 | ||
Login ID | 1052 | Username | |
Password | 1003 | Password | |
Personal Message | 1174 | ||
URL Code | 1999 | Determines that file is being imported into correct account. | |
Status | 4500 | 1=Active, 2=Inactive, 3=Pending, 4=Access Denied | Status1=Active, 2=Inactive, 3=Blocked, 4=Pending, 5=Transferred, 6=Archived |
Effective Date | 4501 | MM/DD/YYYY for person start date. | Effective Date (role 1 only) |
Expiration Date | 4502 | MM/DD/YYYY for person end date. | Expiration Date (role 1 only) |
1009 | Nickname | ||
1025 | Site (home site) | ||
1175 | Security Group |
What if I don’t want to switch to the new KnT? Any customer who chooses not to switch to the new KnT must be switched to a new system by the end of July 2025, as after this point you won’t have access to your current KeepnTrack data; be sure to export or run reports for any data you want to keep.
Why are the badges more money than the current ones? The new KeepnTrack badges are less money. The old badge rolls came in boxes of 10 rolls per box, and only had 300 badges per roll. The new Keepntrack badges come with 12 rolls per box and 450 badges per roll. Old pricing was $.053/badge, and new pricing is $.048/badge
That’s it! If you have more questions, please email us at
Thank you.
COMPanion Corporation & KeepnTrack administration